Create a deal

Inputting a listing starts by creating a deal for your seller.

Step 1: Select Create Deal

To input a new listings, always start by Creating a Deal. To do so, select the Create button in the main navigation menu and select Deal

Step 2: Answer Basic Questions

You will then be asked a series of basic questions, similar to how you would interact with your assistant, to share the pertinent information on your listing.

**Tip: **You should have your contacts synced into your CRM first, so when creating a deal you can quickly look them up without having to retype all of their information.

Tip: Any information you add while creating a deal will later be used to populate your forms inside of that deal for you.

Tip: If you are creating a deal for a listing that is already in the MLS, you can simply select that listing and the deal will be auto-populated with the MLS information so you don’t have to retype it.

Last updated